Date: 13 Apr 2000 08:02:33 -0000
From: Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header (Legal Archives)
Subject: CST Legal Papers 00 Overview and Contents
Message-ID: <367DB8846DE@>
The "CST Legal Papers" series of posts comprise an annoted collection
of documents relating to the CORPORATION known as "Church of Spiritual
Technology" (CST), doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library."
CST owns ALL copyrights to everything L. Ron Hubbard ever wrote.
The very name "Church of Spiritual Technology" is a fraud, because CST
is NOT a church, it is a CORPORATION, and therefore enjoys NO
protection under the separation clause of the Constitution; Ref. U.S.
Claims Court No. 581-88T, Judge Bruggink:
"CST is not a church...CST represents that it
is a religious corporation organized to
accomplish the activities of a church. Despite
its name, CST is not itself a church... ."
There are other alleged tangible frauds now being associated with CST
which are only beginning to come to light, and it is hoped that these
documents will help uncover the breadth and depth of these possible
frauds, if they exist. More and more allegations are surfacing of
significantly altered literary works being sold as though they were
the originals, with literally millions of dollars changing hands.
Recent allegations and copyright records show that Scientology's "OT
Levels" are perhaps forgeries, or possibly "versions" that have been
created by CST or by their licensees or on a work-for-hire basis by
people other than L. Ron Hubbard. The revenues from these "OT Levels"
alone mount into multi-millions.
The documents being posted are:
1. CST Legal Papers 01 Assignment Agreement
First mention of CST; fraudulent, because CST didn't exist
at the time; Assignment to RTC of US rights to Advanced
Technology, with option for CST to take over.
2. CST Legal Papers 02 Articles of Incorporation
Incorporated by non-Scientologist lawyer Sherman Lenske, who
also made himself a "Special Director" of CST.
3. CST Legal Papers 03 Bylaws
The Bylaws prove that the "Special Directors" are all
non-Scientologist attorneys, and have veto power over the
Scientologists who are board members and officers. This
document also establishes that CST is a CORPORATION, not
a church. The Bylaws also claim the fictional existence of a
"church" that supposedly has the same name, as the
corporation, but no such "church" exists in fact.
4. CST Legal Papers 04 Przybylski Declaration
A Declaration by then-Vice President of CST, urging the
court to appoint Norman F. Starkey as "Special
Administrator" of the Estate of L. Ron Hubbard. Starkey
then went on to collect up all the copyrights belonging
to Hubbard, and transferred them to CST immediately after
CST received tax exemption in the IRS secret "Closing
5. CST Legal Papers 05 Starkey Declaration
Norman Starkey also urging the court to appoint him as
"Special Administrator" of the Estate. This document gives
rare insights into the workings of the FOR-PROFIT
corporation known as "Author Services, Inc." (ASI), which
is now wholly owned by CST (See "CST Legal Papers 08 IRS
Closing Agreement Excerpts").
6. CST Legal Papers 06 Covenant, Advanced Technology
An agreement between Norman Starkey and the corporation
known as "Religious Technology Center" (RTC) granting RTC
an exclusive license to use and sub-license the Advanced
Technology. This Covenant was later transferred in its
entirety to CST (See "CST Legal Papers 09 Assignment and
7. CST Legal Papers 07 US Claims Court Excerpts
A landmark ruling by Judge Bruggink that exposed things that
had never been known before about CST, including the fact
that it was founded by Meade Emory, former Assistant to the
Commissioner of IRS. It also established that CST has
complete power over the trademarks, even though these appear
to be vested in the junior corporation, "Religious
Technology Center" (RTC).
8. CST Legal Papers 08 IRS Closing Agreement Excerpts
This formerly secret Closing Agreement reveals that the IRS
ordered Norman Starkey to give the entirety of the
FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION known as "Author Services, Inc."
(ASI) to CST "without consideration."
9. CST Legal Papers 09 Assignment and Assumption
The document in which Norman Starkey transfers to CST his
"right, title and interest" to and in all all Covenants and
Agreements regarding the Advanced Technology.
10. CST Legal Papers 10 Copyright Transfer Record
The Library of Congress Copyright Office record of a
transaction transferring the 7,731 copyrights from Norman
Starkey to CST.
11. CST Legal Papers 11 Assignment [to CST]
The document in which Norman Starkey actually transfers
to CST complete ownership of 7,731 copyrighted works of L.
Ron Hubbard. NOTE that the actual transaction takes place
a day AFTER the date that the Copyright Office has it
recorded as occuring on (See "CST Legal Papers 10 Copyright
Transfer Record").
12. CST Legal Papers 12 Mitchell Affidavit
A blistering Affidavit from Stephen Mitchell to attorney
William M. Hart (of law firm Paul, Hastings, Janofsky &
Walker LLP), but naming other interested parties, including
David Miscavige (RTC), and Sherman Lenske and Lyman
Spurlock of CST. It lays out in exacting detail what appears
to be a tangible fraud in the advertising and selling of a
book--purportedly by L. Ron Hubbard--called "New Slant on
Life." As far as can be determined from the Affidavit, Hart
had apparently threatened Mitchell with "substantial legal
consequences" for communicating about the allegedly fraud.
Mitchell tells Hart, essentially, to put up or shut up.
13. CST Legal Papers 13 Mitchell vs. CST Appeal
The most recent legal battle in the saga of CST: the same
Stephen Mitchell, along with a Kathleen Carey, are engaged
in a libel suit against CST which they have now appealed
after it was dismissed by Judge Frances Rothschild in Los
Angeles Superior Court. Plaintiffs Mitchel and Carey claim
in their Appeal that Rothschild demonstrated clear bias for
defendant/respondant CST and against the plaintiffs, and
that she advocated from the bench for the
defendant/respondant CST.
(Note: for background on Judge Rothschild and some of the
issues that appear to be in the Appeal, try:
For background on the original libel suit--which formerly
named RTC's David Miscavige--try:
This web site doesn't appear to have been updated in some
time, but was covering the original libel suit, and has
some documents from the suit, and a lot of documentation
regarding CST.
14. CST Legal Papers 14 OT Levels Copyrights
Copyright information for all the known OT Levels, showing
that there appear to be several different versions for most
or all of the OT Levels, plus other anomolies.
15. CST Legal Papers 15 The "Scientology Religion" Fraud
Documentation proving that "the Scientology religion" is
legally separate and distinct from "Scientology," per se,
and demonstrating that Scientologists have been induced to
sign a contract vowing to accept "the Scientology religion"
which legally can include non-L. Ron Hubbard-written
It is hoped that these documents help shed light on things that have
been hidden and buried for decades.