The mysterious ARSCC Librarian first appeared in the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology (a.r.s.) on December 11, 1997. No one knows who she really is, but on October 8, 1998, her photo, above, was posted to alt.binaries.scientology by Andreas Heldal-Lund, along with a message she had sent to him. Her first post was tame, demure, and brief, with little hint of what was to follow. A press release from a group called The Public Research Foundation had been posted in a.r.s., and some of the regulars had been questioning the truth or validity of some of the facts stated in the press release. That's when her first post appeared.
The one hint of what was about to hit a.r.s. was in her sig line, which said:
*ARSCC does not exist, and neither does it's pert, sexy, pouty librarian.
It might have ended there. But no one responded, and so she posted her next message, throwing down the gauntlet (and offering to throw down everything else she had on), and the rest has become a part of the rich history of a.r.s.
Well, it doesn't exist. :-) ARSCC stands for "Alt.Religion.Scientology Central Committee." It was a made-up non-existent committee that was created by someone as a joke in response to claims by Scientology representatives that a.r.s. was a somehow a coordinated clique instead of many diverse individuals with a common interest coming together in a usenet discussion group.
The ARSCC Librarian just picked up the joke and took it to extremes.
We love the ARSCC Librarian! And since no one does it quite like her, the only tribute we could make to her was to archive her wild, wacky, and very informative posts, hoping that someday the mystery of who she is might be solved. In the meantime, her posts are a storehouse of valuable and well-researched and well-documented factsas she puts it, *HARD* *FACTS*that simply aren't available anywhere else.
The list at the left is mostly in reverse date order (newest posts always at the top), with some necessary fudging because of corrected versions she posted. It seemed pointless to have the uncorrected versions on the site. Just click on any of the archived posts, and you'll be taken to that page.When and if she posts more, they'll be added at the top of the list. We hope you find her every bit as entertaining and informative as we do.